The PSAI Team at the SDA TAP Lab 

A lot has happened in Planetary Systems AI’s first year of operations:

While we spun up the company and began user research before designing our systems, the space business absolutely boomed:

We researched, studied, listened, and learned. 

We spent time absorbing knowledge and needs from astrophysicists, U.S. Space Force Guardians, satellite operators, and experts in fields ranging from launch, spacecraft engineering and near-earth imaging to digital communications and space-domain awareness.

As we listened, a common problem emerged: data practitioners and leaders find themselves working inordinately hard and long – with a risk of costly human error – to reliably process multidisciplinary data sources for critical, rapid decision-making. 

The space industry and newly-spawned data sources are growing so fast as to outstrip industry participants’ abilities to keep up their own demands for clarity, safety, and decision support. And as they start to drown in data, they remain starved for insights

So, Planetary Systems AI leaned in to meet the challenge: 

PSAI joined the work at SDA TAP Lab in August, 2024

We joined the U.S. Space Force’s SDA TAP Lab‘s Apollo Accelerator at Space Systems Command – an extraordinary collaboration among dozens of private firms, government, and academia working on a system to track and identify threats to U.S. and allied assets in orbit. 

Last fall, we developed AI methods there for reading large quantities of semi/unstructured text to populate the SDA TAP Lab’s Target Model Database (TMDB). Once populated with details about a satellite’s payloads, power, and propulsion systems, the TMDB can be used by USSF analysts to evaluate close approaches by potentially threatening spacecraft.

Over the winter, we have worked to expand these capabilities for the USSF over at Space Systems Command, with new developments that we will be announcing in a couple of weeks.


CEO Cindy Chin (front row, center) at the KPMG/Seraphim Accelerator event in London, October, 2024

We joined the Seraphim Space Accelerator, a leading, dedicated accelerator for startups in the global SpaceTech industry. Since 2018 the accelerator has been working with early-stage SpaceTech companies on a global scale. To date, supporting 109 companies across 30 countries, helping them raise over $540 million in funding for the first time. Seraphim remains dedicated to finding and supporting early-stage companies through every stage of their journey.

We are developing working partnerships with companies in satellite operations, radio-frequency security, and spacecraft hardware equipment testing. 

We added two deeply experienced and valuable space domain experts to our board of advisors, Dr. Steve Crews (U.S. Army and U.S. Space Force, Ret’d.) and Eileen Vidrine, former U.S. Air Force Data and Artificial Intelligence Officer. 

PSAI’s newest advisors, Steve Crews & Eileen Vidrine

And we are sharpening our larger AI toolset for the data-dense future we see taking shape in launch and orbital operations. 

As the industry expands, data processing needs will balloon. As rocket companies like Blue Origin,, rise to compete with SpaceX, satellite operators like Turion Space offer bespoke near-earth imaging services, and firms like Blue Ring tool up to deliver on-orbit servicing for orbital industrial applications that are still taking shape, Planetary Systems AI will be there with critical data-management and decision-making infrastructure now under development. 

We can’t wait to show you what we’re working on. In the meantime, check out our new website design and bookmark it for more news.

an officer in camouflage fatigues addresses an audience from a podium, standing before an orange wall and a display monitor
U.S. Space Force Col. Gina Peterson addresses the audience at the SDA TAP Lab’s Demo Day on Jan. 30, 2025

Space domain awareness (SDA)  – and all the data that must flow to support it – no longer hovers in a theoretical future.  

Today, spacecraft operators must know swiftly and reliably what space trash, errant satellite, or hostile might threaten their operations – and the discipline is crying out for investment.

For the well-equipped U.S. military, better SDA tools are under development as a complex and powerful orbital-defense system at the United States Space Force’s SDA TAP Lab. That’s where we have been collaborating these past six months with dozens of other companies. 

In the Lab’s Cohort 5, Planetary Systems AI finished building AI tools that help U.S. Space Force Guardians identify the launch history, onboard sensors, and jamming frequencies of space vehicles that are hidden, unknown, or potential threats. 

As we accelerate into Cohort 6 next week, one thing has become very clear: This vital project – and indeed SDA overall – needs a huge boost in operating budget to keep pace with the space boom.

With more companies and international partners joining the SDA TAP (Tools, Applications & Processing) Lab, more payloads and satellites reaching orbit, and the increasing risk of collision with debris and each other impacting critical communications and cybersecurity infrastructure on the ground, it will be difficult to keep up with the pace of innovation such as the SDA TAP Lab’s rapidly-expanding work without more Congressional and the Pentagon’s monetary support or capital investment from the satellite and telecommunications industry to protect their in-orbit assets. 


a group of technologists and researchers assemble for a group photo
Cohort 5 of the SDA TAP Lab’s Apollo Accelerator project

The SDA TAP Lab needs a significantly bigger budget to support its complex logistics, the cohort’s rising headcount, and a newly-available, multi-terabyte source of SDA data that must be imported, sorted, and made available to us and international partners to continue the work. 

The need will be even greater for the commercial sector, where spacecraft operators work with SDA discipline in mind but without universally-available tools at hand.

While the Lab is building tools to sharpen the U.S. Space Force’s awareness and improve the timeliness and accuracy of the Guardians’ response, those military tools won’t be available to civilians. 



an executive stands before an array of display monitors talking with a uniformed U.S. Space Force general
PSAI CEO Cindy Chin and Aquarious Workman present to Lt. General Douglas A. Schiess during the Demo Day on Jan. 30, 2025 at the SDA TAP Lab


For commercial launch and orbital companies, U.S. Guardians are tasked with issuing notifications to space operators. These email advisories advise U.S. allies and corporations who subscribes to them whenever a rocket launch is detected or an orbiting spacecraft makes a maneuver. 

But the notifications don’t deliver operational context; While Guardians have access to multiple SDA data sources, sensors, satellites and other tools to support their defense-oriented mission (and will soon have the TAP Lab’s defense system as well), no such service exists to warn and protect the commercial sector against orbital mishaps. 

It is up to launch and orbital companies to blend orbital data sources with whatever in-house SDA experience they might have to keep their spacecraft and space assets safe. Therefore, more capital investment in this critical infrastructure is needed in and adjacent to orbit before calamity happens.



A slide depicting the benefits of delivering satellite capability data to USSF warfighters
A slide from PSAI’s presentation to the SDA TAP Lab explaining the benefit our work has brought to the U.S. Space Force’s battle management system

Just as Planetary Systems AI is bringing deep experience in artificial intelligence, machine learning and data fusion to SDA for the U.S. Space Force, we plan to deliver SDA solutions for our partners in the commercial sector and their space strategies

Watch this space.

Contact: Mack Reed, Head of Product,

Aquarious Workman, CISM, Head of Cybersecurity for Planetary Systems AI, demonstrates the company’s AI service for U.S. Space Force

Colorado Springs, CO. – The Planetary Systems AI team capped three months of intensive multidisciplinary work this week with a demonstration of the company’s capabilities in AI-driven data management for space domain awareness (SDA) at the U.S. Space Force’s SDA TAP Lab

By aggregating more than 2.3 million open-source records on satellites owned by U.S. and foreign entities, the team was able to build out a body of knowledge that will help the Space Force spot and defend military, government, and commercial spacecraft against hostile actions by other countries in space.

Aquarious Workman, PSAI’s Head of Cybersecurity, presented the demo to an audience of investors and U.S. Department of Defense officials, surrounded by nearly 60 companies, many of whom the company had collaborated with closely during Demo Day for Cohort 4 of the Lab’s Apollo Accelerator program.

The company will be continuing its work at the SDA TAP Lab into Cohort 5, which kicks off Nov. 5 and runs until late January.