Aquarious Workman, CISM, Head of Cybersecurity for Planetary Systems AI, demonstrates the company’s AI service for U.S. Space Force

Colorado Springs, CO. – The Planetary Systems AI team capped three months of intensive multidisciplinary work this week with a demonstration of the company’s capabilities in AI-driven data management for space domain awareness (SDA) at the U.S. Space Force’s SDA TAP Lab

By aggregating more than 2.3 million open-source records on satellites owned by U.S. and foreign entities, the team was able to build out a body of knowledge that will help the Space Force spot and defend military, government, and commercial spacecraft against hostile actions by other countries in space.

Aquarious Workman, PSAI’s Head of Cybersecurity, presented the demo to an audience of investors and U.S. Department of Defense officials, surrounded by nearly 60 companies, many of whom the company had collaborated with closely during Demo Day for Cohort 4 of the Lab’s Apollo Accelerator program.

The company will be continuing its work at the SDA TAP Lab into Cohort 5, which kicks off Nov. 5 and runs until late January.